Thursday, November 28, 2019
Leisure And Entertainment Essays - , Term Papers
Leisure And Entertainment Leisure and Entertainment In meiner Freizeit spiele ich FuBball , Kricket und Tennis. Ich hore Musik wenn Eminem singt.Am wochenende treffe ich mich mit meiner freunden und wir spielen FuBball und wir fahren rad. Ich bin sehr sportlich. Ich spiele FuBball, Tennis, Kricket, Tischtennis, Basketball und Hockey. Fruher habe ich fur die Schulmannschaft gespielt aber ich spiele nicht jetzt. Ich spiele nicht in einem Klub. Ich bin nicht so musikalisch aber ich hore Musik. Ich hore Dr DRE und Eminem gern. Ich gehe ins kino einmal pro woche um film zu sehen. Ich habe ?Scary Movie' gern gesehen. Der letzte film, den ich gesehen habe war ?Any Given Sunday' mit Cameron Diaz und LL.Cool.J. Ich gehe in schwimmbad einmal pro woche um zu schwimmen. Ich sehe jeden tag zwischen 5 bis 7 fern. Ich sehe ?Neighbours' und ?Eastenders' weil sie sehr interessant sind. Am wochenende gehe ich mit meinen freunden aus. Wir treffen uns bei mir zu Hause. Dann wir gehen zum Park um FuBball zu spielen. Letztes wochenende bin ich nach Springfield Park gegangen. Wir haben FuBball gespielt und chips gegessen. In den Sommer machen wir Familienausfluge nach Birminghham und Manchester. In Hackney kann man in Park FuBball spielen, schwimmen gehen, ins Kino gehen und Radfahren. Freizeit ist wichtig weil man viel Stress hat in der schule. Ich wurde nach Amerika flieigen, wenn ich die ganze woche frei hatte. Ich will meine Kousin besuchen. Das letzte Buch, das ich gelesen habe war Harry Potter von JK Rowling und es war langweilig. Bibliography my own
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Injustice essays
Injustice essays Injustice comes in many forms. Some are blatantly obvious. Others, well others are somewhat subtle. They approach with the caution of a cat stalking a bird, waiting for the exact moment when all else around but the two fade into obscurity. Precisely at this moment, when all is right with the world for one, all is lost for the same. As I sat alone on the edge of the pew, I realized I wasn't. There, all around me were family, friends, and several people of whom I had only heard. Until that moment, I was frozen. Fixated on the flowers that lay on the coffin. Everything else in the world was gone. All the times he fell asleep in his chair, when I would hold his nose to make him wake up. All the baseball games we watched together. The trip to Yankee Stadium in his later years, the only time I ever saw him cry. All the times we went to the grocery store and I came back with nothing but candy. The hours we would walk the halls together when he couldn't sleep. Even the recent late nights when he was tied to a hospital bed, begging me to undo the straps so he could go home. I knew all of this. But for one brief moment, I didn't. My grandfather and grandmother had a strong relationship. He loved her and she loved him. Nothing was ever seriously wrong. They fought, as did all couples, but it never lasted long. Things were always resolved within a small amount of time. Usually due to the fact that my grandfather would admit wrongdoing and accept whatever blame and consequence that arose. She was not perfect. He wasn't either. But together, they worked. As I look back on the two of them, I can't help but ponder the reason they worked. They were not exactly alike. He was a carpenter. She at one time went to school to become a nurse. He would work long hours at the plant. She would attend social events in the neighborhood. He was never content to sit down for long. She would sit and watch game shows all day. He made a good living f ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Final year project computing with business Dissertation
Final year project computing with business - Dissertation Example 40 Appendix C 40 Abstract A search through literature from various secondary sources shows that there is not much focus on the salon business when it comes to electronic commerce. Even though there are isolated sources that talk about different and independent components of the subject of e-commerce and the salon businesses, there cannot be found much specific literature that relates e-commerce directly to the salon business. There could be a number of reasons accounting for such gaps in literature. E-commerce has actually been appreciated as a platform that makes the conduct of businesses very rapid and forthcoming. This is because it generally ensures that the small working place of a particular business venture gains a global status by having its presence registered in every corner of the world where internet services can be accessed. The study was conducted to bring out the problem with the numerous cases of congestion at salons and the frequent disappointments that customers enc ountered. The study was conducted with the notion that if the identified problem was adequately dealt with, salon operators and customers could adequately plan their times to ensure that customers are placed at the best times they could receive service. Once this is done on the wings of e-commerce, there can be the assurance that there will be improved satisfaction of work. This can also increase profitability for salon owners. Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study The impact of technology on human life is certainly overwhelming, specifically when mention is made of computers and for that matter the internet. Today, the internet has become a one stop centre where almost everything a person needs in a day to make his life complete can be found (Winner, 2008). But even as the popularity and usefulness of the internet advances, businesses and business operators in various industry sectors have taken advantage of the situation to advance their trade and make their revenues grow. One of the most crucial and important ways in which businesses make use of the internet is through electronic commerce, commonly referred to as e-commerce. Through e-commerce, a lot of activities take place on the internet, including advertisement of products and services, window shopping, search for products and services, sale and purchase of products and services, the booking of appointment services, and the payment of products and services (Virilio, 2008). It would however be noted that most e-commerce that take place among various companies and business ventures; no matter how large or small they are, take place via the use of specific websites. Such websites
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Cultural Diversity Among The Catholic And The Amish Essay
Cultural Diversity Among The Catholic And The Amish - Essay Example The theologian's study, interpret and explore how human beings should work in the revelation of Christianity to the world and they discuss the foundational issues of faith. Philosophy is the second component of the religion. Philosophy investigates the fundamentals of human knowledge and experience. The third component is traditional liberal arts while the fourth component is the collection of subjects apart from the three subjects of theology, philosophy and liberal arts such as the study of life and natural sciences, the disciplines like computer science etc. Catholic higher education administrators claim that students should not only learn for the purpose of gaining a formal education but also should learn for knowing how to live life on the right path in a moral sense. The Catholic educational institutions are more welcoming and open towards all religions and they treat black, white and international students equally. Their colleges and universities, therefore, â€Å"demonstrated the values of openness and respect for diversity more effectively than other religiously affiliated institutions†. Catholics have the tradition of respecting both popes as well as priests and they read scriptures and also believe in the principle of â€Å"sticking together generally and in falling in line behind their leader†. â€Å"The political and moral conduct of the United States and its citizens, the fate of our Nation, homosexuality in the military, and scandals involving the Catholic clergyâ€â€are matters of public import†.... The theologians study, interpret and explore how human beings should work in the revelation of Christianity to the world and they discuss the foundational issues of faith. Philosophy is the second component of the religion. Philosophy investigates the fundamentals of human knowledge and experience. The third component is traditional liberal arts while the fourth component is the collection of subjects apart from the three subjects of theology, philosophy and liberal arts such as study of life and natural sciences, the disciplines like computer science etc. Catholic higher education administrators claim that students should not only learn for the purpose of gaining formal education but also should learn for knowing how to live life in the right path in a moral sense. The catholic educational institutions are more welcoming and open towards all religions and they treat black, white and international students equally. Their colleges and universities, therefore, â€Å"demonstrated the v alues of openness and respect for diversity more effectively than other religiously affiliated institutions†(Morey & Piderit, n.d., part. 2). Catholics have the tradition of respecting both popes as well as priests and they read scriptures and also believe in the principle of â€Å"sticking together generally and in falling in line behind their leader†(Portmann, n.d., p. 81). â€Å"The political and moral conduct of the United States and its citizens, the fate of our Nation, homosexuality in the military, and scandals involving the Catholic clergyâ€â€are matters of public import†(Phelps et al. 2010, p. 12). Catholics believed in the sin principle. â€Å"The first sin of disobedience resulted in death to the spiritual nature of
Monday, November 18, 2019
The Tet Offensive through the strategic eyes of the Viet Cong and Research Paper
The Tet Offensive through the strategic eyes of the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese - Research Paper Example However, the communist north decided to stage an offensive in what came to be regarded as the biggest attacks ever, since the Vietnamese war began. During this attack, the communists attacked major towns of the South to a tune of more than 100 towns, including the southern capital, while also spreading the attacks to over 36 provincial capitals of the south, using a brigade of more than 80,000 troops (Donaldson, 161). Despite the South Vietnamese and the USA army being caught by surprise, they responded to the offensive and eventually overcame the communists, although the whole scenario took two more months, with the worst occasion being the Battle of Hue, where the whole of the city was destroyed and thousands of residents, to a tune of 7600 executed by the communists, in what came to be referred as the Hue massacre (Collins, 42). There are three main aspects that have made the Tet Offensive stand out, in the whole episode of the Vietnamese war. First, the Tet offensive was launched by the North Vietnam against South Vietnam by surprise, allowing the communists to inflict more damage on the South, on the initial face of the offensive. Secondly, the offensive stands out as the largest military operation that was ever conducted by either the north or the south in the Vietnamese war. Thirdly, it stands out as the worst attack on the civilians, since the offensive did not only aim at the Southern Vietnamese and the USA armies, but also extended its attacks to the civilian command and control centers throughout South Vietnam, culminating with the horrific Hue massacre that left over 7000 civilians dead (Anderson, 183). Such a massive attack operation could not have just come on board, without efficient and effective planning and execution of the attacks. The Tet Offensive occurred at a time when the pressure was mounting on the USA military and government to consider dropping its involvement in the Vietnamese war, considering that close to 45% of the Americans beli eved that the war was not worth being pursued, mainly due to the losses it had inflicted on the USA, in terms of the number of the casualties of its soldiers, the increment in taxation to the citizens, and the lack of a slightest indication that the war was coming to an end (Robbins, 12). With such disgruntling within the public, and even some sections of the government and intelligence, the military command needed to act decisively in bringing the whole issue to a halt. The USA military command therefore reacted by mounting the success offensive in 1967, where it sought to assert to the public that the USA would win the war, and brings it to a speedy end. This was achieved through media propaganda where the army generals misled the American public on the capabilities of the Northern Vietnamese Army and the Viet Cong, by asserting that they were losing ground and therefore were not in a position to launch any major attack. To curb it all, and give more confidence to the people, the US army General called on the communists to try something, because the USA was actually looking for a fight (Donaldson, 155). Therefore, the anti-war sentiments by the American public, coupled by the underestimation of the communists ability
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Development Of British Horror Films Film Studies Essay
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Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Essay example --
The complexity of law fascinates me. Law has changed throughout time and continues to vastly affect our everyday lives, whether we grasp it or not. We live in a world of very diverse cultures and backgrounds in which I am greatly intrigued by how law moves amongst. As I have realised this, my keenness to study the subject has grown. I wish to learn in depth, the structures, ways and reasons in which these are enforced throughout the different modules. Studying Economics at A-Level has developed my essay writing skills so I am able to argue by analysing and evaluating relevant points in a topic. It has also enlightened me with certain effects of law and decisions made by the government and businesses on civilisation, whereas from ICT I have developed a solid understanding of an area which is playing an increasingly important role in today's society around the world. Textiles has not just acknowledged me on the making process of garments, it has given me the business understanding of finance and advertisement aspects of it. Secondary school gave me the opportunity to take a 2 weeks wo...
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Robin Hood Case Analysis and Strategy Recommendations
ROBIN HOOD Case Analysis and Strategy Recommendations Case Analysis Robin Hood and his band of Merrymen is the subject of this case study. In this study I found, Robin Hood’s main problem was the increasing size of his band. Initially, he had hoped that strength lay in numbers and the more Merry men he had, the better it would be for him to effectively fight against the sheriff’s administration. He did not put enough thought into curbing the number of people being recruited.The dilemma occurred when the increasing number of men had made the band a corporation. The more men were recruited into the organization, the less face to face interaction Robin had encountered with each of his men. This would make it hard for him to enforce rules and regulations using his old ways because vigilance was not present with the new recruits. Moreover, the capacity to fund the increasing number of people became very scarce. Supplies needed to be obtained from outlaying villages. This is a very clear consequence of any expanding organization.A formal structure needed to be enforced and a chain of executive party needed to be established so as to monitor the increased number of people in the organization. The initial mission of the band, â€Å"Rob the rich and give to the poor†was no longer effective to the band. The funds obtained from the outright confiscation of the rich were no longer accommodating the increasing number of the people in the band. The mission statement had to be revised to accommodate the changing ways of the organization.New strategies also need to be introduced to meet the fund requirements of the band. Moreover, there needed to be a revision to the objectives of the band so as to limit the number of people being recruited. This, in my opinion, is a primary concern that needs attention. Robin Hood’s proposal to run a policy of adopting a fixed transit tax to whomever passed through the Sherwood Forest seems feasible but the Merrym en’s concern of jeopardizing the allies’ support in their fight against the Sheriff is also relevant.Recommendations In my opinion, Robin Hood’s first priority should be to appropriate structure and organization in the band. He needs to allot someone in charge of curbing the number of new recruits and seek other ways of finding provisions for his men. Once all this is done, he needs to take the great risk of assisting the barons in their mission to rescue King Richard and restore back in power. By doing so, Robin will have gotten his revenge and will not have to require the band’s presence any longer.
Friday, November 8, 2019
African Americans In The South Essays - Slavery In The United States
African Americans In The South Essays - Slavery In The United States African Americans In The South As a social and economic institution, slavery originated in the times when humans began farming instead of hunting and gathering. Slave labor became commonplace in ancient Greece and Rome. Slaves were created through the capture of enemies, the birth of children to slave parents, and means of punishment. Enslaved Africans represented many different peoples, each with distinct cultures, religions, and languages. Most originated from the coast or the interior of West Africa, between present-day Senegal and Angola. Other enslaved peoples originally came from Madagascar and Tanzania in East Africa. Slavery became of major economic importance after the sixteenth century with the European conquest of South and Central America. These slaves had a great impact on the sugar and tobacco industries. A triangular trade route was established with Europe for alcohol and firearms in exchange for slaves. The slaves were then traded with Americans for molasses and (later) cotton. In 1619 the first black slave arrived in Virginia. The demands of European consumers for New World crops and goods helped fuel the slave trade. A strong family and community life helped sustain African Americans in slavery. People often chose their own partners, lived under the same roof, raised children together, and protected each other. Brutal treatment at the hands of slaveholders, however, threatened black family life. Enslaved women experienced sexual exploitation at the hands of slaveholders and overseers. Bondspeople lived with the constant fear of being sold away from their loved ones, with no chance of reunion. Historians estimate that most bondspeople were sold at least once in their lives. No event was more traumatic in the lives of enslaved individuals than that of forcible separation from their families. People sometimes fled when they heard of an impending sale. During the 17th and 18th century enslaved African Americans in the Upper South mostly raised tobacco. In coastal South Carolina and Georgia, they harvested indigo for dye and grew rice, using agricultural expertise brought with them from Africa. By the 1800s rice, sugar, and cotton became the South's leading cash crops. The patenting of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney in 1793 made it possible for workers to gin separate the seeds from the fiber some 600 to 700 pounds daily, or ten times more cotton than permitted by hand. The Industrial Revolution, centered in Great Britain, quadrupled the demand for cotton, which soon became America's leading export. Planters' acute need for more cotton workers helped expand southern slavery. By the Civil War, the South exported more than a million tons of cotton annually to Great Britain and the North. An area still called the Black Belt, which stretched across Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, grew some 80 percent of the nation's crop. In parts of the Black Belt, enslaved African Americans made up more than three-fourths of the total population. Even though slavery existed throughout the original thirteen colonies, nearly all the northern states, inspired by American independence, ab olished slavery by 1804. As a matter of conscience some southern slaveholders also freed their slaves or permitted them to purchase their freedom. Until the early 1800s, many southern states allowed these emancipations to legally take place. Although the Federal Government outlawed the overseas slave trade in 1808, the southern enslaved African American population continued to grow. By 1860 some 4 million enslaved African Americans lived throughout the South. Only Southern states believed slavery to be a major, and essential, economic factor. Whether on a small farm or a large plantation, most enslaved people were agricultural laborers. They worked literally from sunrise to sunset in the fields or at other jobs. Some bondspeople held specialized jobs as artisans, skilled laborers, or factory workers. A smaller number worked as cooks, butlers, or maids. Slavery became an issue in the economic struggles between Southern plantation owners and Northern industrialists in the first half of the 19th century, a struggle that culminated in the American Civil War. Despite the common perception to the contrary, the war was not fought primarily on the slavery issue. Abraham Lincoln, however, saw the political advantages of promising freedom for Southern slaves, and the Emancipation Proclamation was enacted in 1863. This was reinforced after the war by the 13th,
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Definition and Examples of the Figures of Speech
Definition and Examples of the Figures of Speech The figures of speech are the various rhetorical uses of language that depart from customary construction, word order, or significance. Figures of speech, Gleaves Whitney has observed, are all of the ways in which human beings bend and stretch words to heighten meaning or create a desired effect (American Presidents: Farewell Messages to the Nation, 2003). Common figures of speech include metaphor, simile, metonymy, hyperbole, personification, and chiasmus, though there are countless others. Figures of speech are also known as figures of rhetoric, figures of style, rhetorical figures, figurative language, and schemes. Although the figures of speech are sometimes regarded as simply ornamental additions to a text (like candy sprinkles on a cake), in fact they serve as integral elements of style and thought (the cake itself, as Tom Robbins points out). In the Institutes of Oratory (95 AD), Quintilian says that the figures, used effectively, are exciting to the emotions and give credibility to our arguments. For examples of the most common figures, follow the links at The Top 20 Figures of Speech. Also see Examples and Observations below. For definitions of well over 100 figures, visit The Tool Kit for Rhetorical Analysis. Examples and Observations An integral part of language, figures of speech are found in oral literatures, as well as in polished poetry and prose and in everyday speech. Greeting-card rhymes, advertising slogans, newspaper headlines, the captions of cartoons, and the mottoes of families and institutions often use figures of speech, generally for humorous, mnemonic, or eye-catching purposes. The argots of sports, jazz, business, politics, or any specialized groups abound in figurative language. Most figures in everyday speech are formed by extending the vocabulary of what is already familiar and better known to what is less well known.(Merriam-Websters Readers Handbook. Merriam-Webster, 1997)The Figures as Ways of Seeing- The vast pool of terms for verbal ornamentation has acted like a gene pool for the rhetorical imagination, stimulating us to look at language in another way. . . . The figures have worked historically to teach a way of seeing.(Richard Lanham, A Handlist of Rhetorical Terms, 2nd ed. University of California Press, 1991)- The most excellent ornaments, exornations, lightes, flowers, and formes of speech, commonly called the figures of rhetorike. By which the singular partes of mans mind, are most aptly expressed, and the sundrie affections of his heart most effectuallie uttered.(Henry Peacham, The Garden of Eloquence, 1593) Language Is Not the Frosting, Its the CakeIf, as Terence McKenna contended, the world is actually made of language, then metaphors and similes (puns, too, I might add) extend the dimensions and expand the possibilities of the world. When both innovative and relevant, they can wake up a reader, make him or her aware, through elasticity of verbiage, that reality- in our daily lives as well as in our stories- is less prescribed than tradition has led us to believe. . . .Ultimately, I use figures of speech to deepen the readers subliminal understanding of the person, place, or thing thats being described. That, above everything else, validates their role as a highly effective literary device. If nothing else, they remind reader and writer alike that language is not the frosting, its the cake.(Tom Robbins, What Is the Function of Metaphor? Wild Ducks Flying Backward. Bantam, 2005)The Plasticity of LanguageThe figurings of speech reveal to us the apparently limitless plasticity of language itself. We are confronted, inescapably, with the intoxicating possibility that we can make language do for us almost anything we want. Or at least a Shakespeare can.(Arthur Quinn, Figures of Speech: 60 Ways To Turn A Phrase. Routledge, 1995) SchemesThe Greeks called them schemes, a better word than figures, because they serve as persuasive tricks and rules of thumb. While Shakespeare had to memorize more than 200 of them in grammar school, the basic ones arent hard to learn. . . .Figures of speech change ordinary language through repetition, substitution, sound, and wordplay. They mess around with words- skipping them, swapping them, and making them sound different.(Jay Heinrichs, Thank You for Arguing. Three Rivers Press, 2007)Figures of Argument and Figures of StyleWe consider a figure to be argumentative if it brings about a change of perspective, and its use seems normal in relation to this new situation. If, on the other hand, the speech does not bring about the adherence of the hearer to this argumentative form, the figure will be considered an embellishment, a figure of style. It can excite admiration, but this will be on the aesthetic plane, or in recognition of the speakers originality.(Chaim Perelman and Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca, The New Rhetoric: A Treatise on Argumentation. Translated by J. Wilkinson and P. Weaver. University of Notre Dame Press, 1969) Figures of Speech in EconomicsFigures of speech are not mere frills. They think for us. Says Heidegger, Die Spracht spricht, nicht der Mensch: The language speaks, not the human speaker. Someone who thinks of a market as an invisible hand and the organization of work as a production function and her coefficients as being significant, as an economist does, is giving the language a lot of responsibility. It seems a good idea to look hard at the language.(Deirdre N. McCloskey, The Rhetoric of Economics, 2nd ed. University of Wisconsin Press, 1998)Figures of Speech and ThoughtThe real nature of the relation of figures to thought is very generally misunderstood. The majority of rhetoricians treat of them as mere ornaments, which render a discourse more pleasing, and which may be used or rejected at pleasure. Some writers- as, for example, Lockecondemn their employment in works intended to convey knowledge and truth; they are pronounced inventions, which serve only to insinuate wrong ideas, move the passions, and mislead the judgment.But instead of being inventions of art, they are the natural, and therefore necessary and universal forms, in which excited imagination and passion manifest themselves. The young and the old, the barbarous and the civilized, all employ them unconsciously. Languages in their earlier state are highly figurative; as they grow older they lose their natural picturesqueness and become collections of lifeless symbols. These abstract forms are regarded by rhetoricians and grammarians as the natural and ordinary forms of speech, and so they describe figures as departures from the usual forms of expression.(Andrew D. Hepburn, Manual of English Rhetoric, 1875) Figures of Speech as (Metaphorical) Dance Moves[Figures of speech] are like the steps a ballet dancer might perform as part of a longer routine: for instance, pirouette (spinning on tiptoes), grand jetà © (jumping horizontally with legs extended backward and forward), and chassà © (sliding with legs bent). These dance moves, like the figures, are units of performance: we can point to them, describe how they are formed, and judge whether they are executed effectively or not. There are no rigid rules about how they might be combined or incorporated into a broader performance. Like dance moves, the figures of speech are vehicles for managing interactions between performer and audience while shaping the latters perceptions of what they see or read. They are also already in circulation and thus part of a general repertoire for performance. For this reason, they carry meanings and values that exceed an individual performers use of them. In other words, they come w ith baggage- most of it positive, but some negative.(Chris Holcomb and M. Jimmie Killingsworth, Performing Prose: The Study and Practice of Style in Composition. Southern Illinois University Press, 2010) The Lighter Side of Figures of SpeechRocket: I have a plan! I have a plan!Drax: Cease your yammering, and relieve us from this irksome confinement.Peter Quill: Yeah, I’ll have to agree with the walking thesaurus on that one.Drax: Do not ever call me a thesaurus.Peter Quill: Its just a metaphor, Dude.Rocket: His people are completely literal. Metaphors are gonna go over his head.Drax: Nothing goes over my head. My reflexes are too fast. I would catch it.Gamora: Im gonna die surrounded by the biggest idiots in the galaxy.(Guardians of the Galaxy, 2014) Pronunciation: FIG-yurz uv SPEECH
Monday, November 4, 2019
Mary Shelley Frankenstein Examine the novel and compare and contrast Essay
Mary Shelley Frankenstein Examine the novel and compare and contrast the education of the Creature with the education Victor r - Essay Example So, with that in mind Victor and the Creatures education will be examined, comparing and contrasting their experiences good and bad, as the world around them fosters and hinders their educational goals. Victor as a child showed a keen interest in learning, â€Å"it was the secrets of heaven and earth that I desired to learn,†(23) at that young age, he displays an interest in the creation of life. Victor studies the philosophical work of Cornelius Agrippa, and later reads Paracelsus and Albertus Magnus. Victor states that despite schooling in Geneva, he was â€Å"self-taught with regard to my favourite studies.†(24-25) His father was not able to pass on scientific knowledge to him, so Victor found his own books to study, becoming interested in renewing human life, ridding it of illness and disease. Victor’s educational goals are fostered by the natural world around him. Upon seeing a tree struck by lightening and destroyed, he focuses his studies on science: â⠂¬Å"this almost miraculous change of inclination and will was the immediate suggestion of the guardian angel of my life†(26). At 17 yrs old Victor attends University at Ingolstadt. He’s advised by one professor that the books he’s been studying are irrelevant, and that he must learning afresh. Victor accepts this hindrance of his educational goals due to his â€Å"extreme youth, and my want of a guide on such matters†(29). However Professor M. ... The creature initially â€Å"knew, and could distinguish, nothing†(72). With time and experience the creature learns about food and the animals surrounding him. He also learns too about dangers such as fire, â€Å"I thrust my hand into the live embers, but quickly drew it out again with a cry of pain†(73). The creature learns survival skills of fire, shelter, food, drink and danger from humans as he is attacked and later shot at. By watching the De Lacey family and their interaction with one another, this fosters the creatures’ educational experience, and he learns about love â€Å"sensations of a peculiar and overpowering nature: they were a mixture of pain and pleasure, such as I had never before experienced†(76). From continued observations of the family he learns speech, empathy, compassion, he learns to read, in a Lacanian instance he learns to recognize himself, not in a mirror, but he views his reflection â€Å"in a transparent pool!†(80). He gains knowledge of history and civilization from listening to the family teach Safie, and from books he finds in the forest. With time and disastrous attempts to join in civilization which hinder the creature, he learns to both kill and to â€Å"work mischief†(103) by allowing Justine to take responsibility for his crime. The key differences between Victor and the Creatures education, are that with Victor’s learning, whilst still self-educated (like the creature), Victor had the experience of growing from a child to an adult in a family, with formal schooling and University experience, with professors who were able to recommend texts. The more knowledge Victor gains, the more he is respected and gains acclaim at the
Friday, November 1, 2019
Global Strategies to Eliminate Hunger Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Global Strategies to Eliminate Hunger - Essay Example According to the World Food program (2013), food security is a situation where a household has access to food for consumption. Most developed countries such as the United States of America, and China have highly invested in ways to ensure availability food supply to their population (Shapouri, 2010). They ensure that their household s do not live in fear of starvation. Finances have been channeled to projects and researches to help in the production of better strains of agricultural products. Technologically, laboratories and other research institution have been issued with state of the art technology to provide hybrids for most crops. This ensures food security, which involves storage of surplus foods in case of any risks. These risks involve economic meltdowns, natural disasters, and wars. Storage of surplus foods for the future ensures a country’s self-sufficiency (Shapouri, 2010). On the other hand, developing and non-developed countries have also started initiatives and p rograms to help increase food production (Lawrence, Lyons & Wallington, 2010). This has been implemented through financial and technological help from the already developed countries. However, even with this set initiatives, there have been increased cases of hunger and starvation. This is mostly evident in third world countries. Efforts to guarantee food security in most countries have had several setbacks irrespective of increased technological know-how and financial aids. ... For example, in Sudan, conflicts in Darfur region have lasted for a decade and led to displacements of millions of people. This has led to demand for extra food since the camps are in non-productive area. In some situations during war, the enemy may destroy the food reserves to cause defeat. To eradicate hunger in this situation, avoiding wars may prevent hunger since individuals will invest in other ideas to increase food production. Wars and civil conflicts may lead individual governments to channel more funds into purchasing armory and paying military (Peacock, 2012). In case wars are stopped, the funds could be used to invest in new and advanced ways of agricultural production. Moreover, global peace facilitate efforts geared to eradicate hunger rather than countries seeking to advance war ammunitions. Increased diseases such as HIV Aids, cancer, malnutrition have also contributed to cases of hunger and starvation (Lawrence, Lyons & Wallington, 2010). These diseases are mostly fo und in under developed countries due to poverty. Deaths from the diseases lead to loss of labor that provides psychical and mental work force in agricultural farms. In counties such as those in Africa, there are higher mortality rates due to the increased spread of HIV Aids, which leave most of the children as orphans. With increased medical bills, there are reduced funds to purchase and invest in food security. This increases the rates of hunger and starvation in these countries. The economies also suffer a fall in the countries’ Gross National Product due to increased funds being allocated health services. Focusing on how to reduce mortality rates due to major diseases will lead to an increased and strong work force. Investing in agriculture with the labor force will increase the
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