Sunday, December 29, 2019

Types of Death Penalty - 1564 Words

â€Å"The death penalty for heinous crime is as justifiable, if society deem it necessary for its well-being, as is the demand upon the citizen-warrior to meet death upon the battle-field, or upon the doctor to remain steadfast at his duty in the plague-stricken city. The good of society is the prime reason for the punishment of criminals and their reformation is justifiable only when it conduces to this end† (Hall, 1902, p. 390). In recent years, death penalty has become a much talked about and controversial issue regardless of nation, culture or race. One of the earliest and known death penalty sentenced would be the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. This proves that death penalty has existed since a long time ago. Globally, death penalty is†¦show more content†¦This form of hanging is not to break the neck of the prisoners; rather letting them die of strangulation. Last of all, the most humane form would be the long drop hanging. The prisoners would be allowed to fall a pre-determined height, then jerked upwards. The prisoners’ neck break easily and immediately as the heads are still attached to the noose; thus, lessening the pain and suffering of the prisoners. Death Penalty Information Center (n.d.) has concluded the process of general hanging. The process is started when the prisoner is weighed a day before the execution and the prison officers rehearse using a bag of sand weighing the same as the prisoner. By rehearsing, the prison officers could determine the length of the rope so as not to prolong the torture and suffering of the prisoner. Before the rope can be used, it has to be treated. Firstly, the 3/4inch to 1  ¼ inch rope is â€Å"boiled and stretched to eliminate spring or coiling. The knot should be lubricated with wax or soap† (â€Å"Hanged by the Neck†, n.d.) â€Å"to ensure a smooth sliding action† (US Army Manual, 1969). Now, the prisoner is blindfolded, hands and legs bounded, and noose is placed on his neck. Then, the trapdoor underneath the prisoner is opened, allowing the prisoner to fall through. Should everything is properly in place, a rapid fracture dislocation of the neck will occur. However, Weisberg (1991) says â€Å"instantaneous death rarely occurs†.Show MoreRelatedTypes Of Punishments That Comes With The Death Penalty918 Words   |  4 Pagesare five different types of punishments that comes with the death penalty. The five methods of the death penalties are Lethal Injection, Gas, electric chair . One thing that I always think of is what each methods has upon the humans body. In this research paper you ll learn what these execution methods does to a human and also the steps these inmates go through when they are sentenced to execution. The first type of execution is the gas chamber . 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Then, I need to start this essay writing about who criminal really deserve death penalty. For me, death penalty is the last resource of justice, just applicable when criminals: - don’t have regrets - have the tendency to repeat the crime - theRead More Its Time to Abolish the Death Penalty Essay1187 Words   |  5 Pages The death penalty has been around since the beginning of time as a means of punishing criminals, undisputed until the last century or so in terms of whether or not it is an ethical practice. The proponents for the death penalty offer up its ability to deter crime as their main reason for supporting it, their view supported by a functionalist sociological view in that using the death penalty, enough fear will be generated that people will refrain from committing the types of crime that theRead MoreShould The Us Stop Using The Death Penalty?1599 Words   |  7 Pagesusing the death penalty? Capital punishment is a legal authorization to kill someone for a crime they have committed. The death penalty has been the highest form of criminal punishment in the American judicial system since the 13 colonies. It has taken the form of hanging, stoning, drowning, burning, beheading, gassing, electrocution, and injection. The taking of a man s life as penance for criminal behavior is wrong. The moral injustice of murder, the cruelty of execution, and the death of innocentRead MoreBanning the Death Penalty1620 Words   |  6 PagesShould the death penalty be banned internationally as a type of punishment? This form of punishment has been quite a controversial issue worldwide for quite a few years. The death penalty for hundreds of thousands of years has been a punishment for criminals throughout the world; in the past ranging from what we would now consider small crimes to huge ones, to the present where most if not all those punished with death penalty are for fairly large crime s. Actual laws involving death penalty is knownRead MoreThe Debate On The Death Penalty1597 Words   |  7 PagesThe debate on the death penalty has been the ongoing question for generations. There are plenty of different sides to take on this issue. You have the side where some people think that putting prisoners to death is inhumane and that no matter what they did putting a human to death is wrong. While others may think that if the crime is extreme enough that the prisoner who committed this crime should pay for it with their own life. Throughout history there have been several instances where prisoners

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Students Admitted Through Post Ume Screening Tests

Purpose of Research This study grew out of curiosity to find out how students admitted through Post UME screening tests for three years running are doing in their academic work. The recent ban of the Post-UME screening exercise by the minister of education and reintroduction of the Post-UME scheme after persuasion from the union of Vice-Chancellors in July prior to the commencement of admission in 2016 has made me develop interest in the topic. The literature at my disposal has been carried out to evaluate the quality of academic performance of engineering students admitted through Post UME screening test. This study is therefore well-timed and well positioned to generate data for improving the exercise if it does have an effect in the academic performance. The purpose of the research therefore, is to evaluate the academic performance of the students admitted through Post UME screening test. Also to look critically at the generated data that will prove their superiority over their predecessors who were admitted through their UME scores in 2004 before the screening process was introduced. Hypothesis of the Study To compare the various groups in this study, hypothesis was stated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. Hypothesis: There will be no significant difference in academic performance between engineering students in various programs admitted through Post UME screening and those admitted through UME scores. Methodology The method utilized for this study was

Friday, December 13, 2019

Purpose of College Education Free Essays

There is no doubt that education plays an important role in people’s lives. At a very young age, people begin spending time in school to acquire the basic things necessary in life including reading and writing. They progress to more complicated lessons as time goes on. We will write a custom essay sample on Purpose of College Education or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, the most important education that a person can receive would probably be tertiary education. This is also known as college education where people are able to pick an area or field that they want to specialize in. The primary purpose of a college education would be for a person to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge in his or her chosen career and become fully prepared for the real world. For the students, a college education is a means of pursuing their dreams and ambitions in life (Borade, 2009). There are many people who believe that having a bachelor’s degree will present more opportunities for them. Although there are several individuals who have become successful even without finishing their college education, it is still more effective if people graduate from college, especially if education is all that they have. Nowadays, companies and employers prefer to hire individuals who have college degrees and would pay even more if they have masterals or doctorate degrees. Having a college degree increases individuals’ chances of being hired in the corporate world rather than having average and low-paying jobs. â€Å"For a parent, the very purpose of a good college education is to enable the child to probe the realms of thought and access real higher learning† (Borade, 2009). Parents only want the best for their children. They want to see their children succeed in everything that they do. They push their children to finish college because they know that this will benefit their children in the future. They want their children to maximize their full potential and bring out the best that they can be in life through academic learning. Academic institutions also plays a role in the academic lives of students. Their purpose is to provide the best educational experience to the students enrolled in their campus. For them, the purpose of college education is for them to act out their roles as providers of education. Without them, people will have nowhere to go to receive education. The staff and the institution greatly help students mold themselves into the best individuals that they can be in the future. However, it is important to note that not all people believe in a college education. These people think that everyone can become successful even without finishing tertiary education. This is not hard to believe since there are numerous college drop outs that have emerged to become successful in their respective fields. Still, people, especially young students should not rely on this information and try their best to excel on their own. They should keep in mind that not all people are lucky and fortunate enough to attend college. While they have the chance, they should make the most out of it and make sure that they benefit from the learning process. As stated above, the primary purpose of a college education is to prepare the students for the real world. However, there are many who decide to â€Å"rush through their college years without taking the time to explore avenues of thought that could broaden their perspectives† (Nguyen, n. d. ). Students should always remember that they can only experience education the fullest way when they take the time to absorb everything that they are being taught. They will not be prepared if they take it too fast or too slow. Thus, the true purpose of college education will be defeated. How to cite Purpose of College Education, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Project Management Analysis

Questions: 1. Select two theories of motivation. 2. Describe one motivation theory and discuss how this motivation theory could be applied in Fisher Paykel Healthcare. 3. Describe the alternative motivation theory and discuss how this second motivation theory could be applied in the other of your organisations. Answers: 1. Two theories of motivation The two theories that are selected are Maslows Theory of Hierarchical Needs and Herzbergs Theory of Two Factor. 2. Description of Maslows Need Hierarchy Theory and its application in Fisher Paykel Healthcare As per the theory, people get motivated by the needs, which are unsatisfied. Such needs include Physiological needs, Safety, Social, Self Esteem, Self Actualization needs in the ascending hierarchy. A person can make advancement to the next need level if the corresponding lower level need is fulfilled. Fisher Paykel Healthcare being the manufacturer and marketer of respiratory care systems and products are dedicated for sleep obstruction disorder treatments. The management people and the employees are satisfied as their physiological and safety needs are fulfilled as per the companys progress towards prosperity (Ferris et al. 2013). They are now motivated to work better to get their social, recognition and self-actualization needs fulfilled through the acceptance of their contributions among the people around the world. 3. Description of Herzbergs Two Factor Theory and its application in other organizations The theory says about Motivating factors which provides satisfaction in positive level in the people whereas the hygiene factors does not make motivation if its present but make result in the demotivation if becomes absent. In case of Coca Cola company, starting from managers to other employees, challenging work, added responsibilities and recognition has provided them positive satisfaction resulting to motivation in better work (Heinrichs, Oser and Lovat 2013). On the other hand, if those employees and the managers are not given the security of their job, status or salary in proper time then they will be demotivated in their work resulting to be less effective and productive. References Ferris, D.L., Johnson, R.E., Rosen, C.C., Djurdjevic, E., Chang, C.H.D. and Tan, J.A., 2013. When is success not satisfying? Integrating regulatory focus and approach/avoidance motivation theories to explain the relation between core self-evaluation and job satisfaction.Journal of Applied Psychology,98(2), p.342. Heinrichs, K., Oser, F. and Lovat, T. eds., 2013.Handbook of moral motivation: theories, models, applications(Vol. 1). Springer Science Business Media.