Sunday, December 29, 2019

Types of Death Penalty - 1564 Words

â€Å"The death penalty for heinous crime is as justifiable, if society deem it necessary for its well-being, as is the demand upon the citizen-warrior to meet death upon the battle-field, or upon the doctor to remain steadfast at his duty in the plague-stricken city. The good of society is the prime reason for the punishment of criminals and their reformation is justifiable only when it conduces to this end† (Hall, 1902, p. 390). In recent years, death penalty has become a much talked about and controversial issue regardless of nation, culture or race. One of the earliest and known death penalty sentenced would be the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. This proves that death penalty has existed since a long time ago. Globally, death penalty is†¦show more content†¦This form of hanging is not to break the neck of the prisoners; rather letting them die of strangulation. Last of all, the most humane form would be the long drop hanging. The prisoners would be allowed to fall a pre-determined height, then jerked upwards. The prisoners’ neck break easily and immediately as the heads are still attached to the noose; thus, lessening the pain and suffering of the prisoners. Death Penalty Information Center (n.d.) has concluded the process of general hanging. The process is started when the prisoner is weighed a day before the execution and the prison officers rehearse using a bag of sand weighing the same as the prisoner. By rehearsing, the prison officers could determine the length of the rope so as not to prolong the torture and suffering of the prisoner. Before the rope can be used, it has to be treated. Firstly, the 3/4inch to 1  ¼ inch rope is â€Å"boiled and stretched to eliminate spring or coiling. The knot should be lubricated with wax or soap† (â€Å"Hanged by the Neck†, n.d.) â€Å"to ensure a smooth sliding action† (US Army Manual, 1969). Now, the prisoner is blindfolded, hands and legs bounded, and noose is placed on his neck. Then, the trapdoor underneath the prisoner is opened, allowing the prisoner to fall through. Should everything is properly in place, a rapid fracture dislocation of the neck will occur. However, Weisberg (1991) says â€Å"instantaneous death rarely occurs†.Show MoreRelatedTypes Of Punishments That Comes With The Death Penalty918 Words   |  4 Pagesare five different types of punishments that comes with the death penalty. The five methods of the death penalties are Lethal Injection, Gas, electric chair . One thing that I always think of is what each methods has upon the humans body. In this research paper you ll learn what these execution methods does to a human and also the steps these inmates go through when they are sentenced to execution. The first type of execution is the gas chamber . 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