Thursday, December 5, 2019

Project Management Analysis

Questions: 1. Select two theories of motivation. 2. Describe one motivation theory and discuss how this motivation theory could be applied in Fisher Paykel Healthcare. 3. Describe the alternative motivation theory and discuss how this second motivation theory could be applied in the other of your organisations. Answers: 1. Two theories of motivation The two theories that are selected are Maslows Theory of Hierarchical Needs and Herzbergs Theory of Two Factor. 2. Description of Maslows Need Hierarchy Theory and its application in Fisher Paykel Healthcare As per the theory, people get motivated by the needs, which are unsatisfied. Such needs include Physiological needs, Safety, Social, Self Esteem, Self Actualization needs in the ascending hierarchy. A person can make advancement to the next need level if the corresponding lower level need is fulfilled. Fisher Paykel Healthcare being the manufacturer and marketer of respiratory care systems and products are dedicated for sleep obstruction disorder treatments. The management people and the employees are satisfied as their physiological and safety needs are fulfilled as per the companys progress towards prosperity (Ferris et al. 2013). They are now motivated to work better to get their social, recognition and self-actualization needs fulfilled through the acceptance of their contributions among the people around the world. 3. Description of Herzbergs Two Factor Theory and its application in other organizations The theory says about Motivating factors which provides satisfaction in positive level in the people whereas the hygiene factors does not make motivation if its present but make result in the demotivation if becomes absent. In case of Coca Cola company, starting from managers to other employees, challenging work, added responsibilities and recognition has provided them positive satisfaction resulting to motivation in better work (Heinrichs, Oser and Lovat 2013). On the other hand, if those employees and the managers are not given the security of their job, status or salary in proper time then they will be demotivated in their work resulting to be less effective and productive. References Ferris, D.L., Johnson, R.E., Rosen, C.C., Djurdjevic, E., Chang, C.H.D. and Tan, J.A., 2013. When is success not satisfying? Integrating regulatory focus and approach/avoidance motivation theories to explain the relation between core self-evaluation and job satisfaction.Journal of Applied Psychology,98(2), p.342. Heinrichs, K., Oser, F. and Lovat, T. eds., 2013.Handbook of moral motivation: theories, models, applications(Vol. 1). Springer Science Business Media.

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